Natal Chart Reading
In this reading you are offered a complete analysis of your astrological chart according to the Vedic sidereal system (Jyotish), which includes detailed descriptions of your rising sign, Moon sign, nakshatra (Moon star), periods and planetary transits, which will allow you to situate yourself appropriately in the present and project yourself successfully into the future.
You will be able to know your true astrological sign: The Zodiac used in the West to determine the signs is incorrect. There is a difference of 24° between this obsolete Zodiac and the true Zodiac based on the fixed stars, which was used for thousands of years in Vedic culture and which is today accepted even by modern astronomy.

The interpretation offers: a study of different areas of life, such as family, marriage, career, finances, health, finances, and spirituality. Using knowledge from Ayurveda, you are given advice to take care of the health of your body and mind. In addition to an analysis of your personality, psychology, aptitudes and potential, determining your qualities, predispositions and tendencies. If necessary, certain strategies will be recommended to you, as well as traditional remedies to neutralize negative planetary influences. Vedic astrology offers very effective methods that allow you to react appropriately to adversity.
Daru Krishna has more than 40 years of experience as a vedic teacher and astrologer. He is located in Pisac, the Sacred Valley of the Incas, near Cusco. The reading is offered by Zoom in Spanish or English. If you are in Peru, you can schedule an appointment by WhatsApp: +51 950 799 819, while from abroad you can request it by email. to
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